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Sake and Breweries Map of Japan
I plan to visit my Japanese family this fall. So many things on my list to do/go, one of them is going to a Sake Brewery and join the brewery tour! However unfortunately most breweries are not open right now for the public at this moment July, 2023. (I almost forgot we are still at the end of a Pandemic...)
Hopefully this situation will get better before I arrive there!!/go, one of them is going to a Sake Brewery and join the brewery tour! However unfortunately most breweries are not open right now for the public at this moment July, 2023. (I almost forgot we are still at the end of a Pandemic...)
Fun Fact : Do you know how much Sake is in a common sized Sake barrel? It's about 19 Gallons (72 litters)!!
Big'o party size for sure :)
I also wrote the story about this Sake map on my blog.
Check it out if you have a couple of minutes!
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