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ユニークでアイコニックなスタイルで描かれたこれらのイラストは、トートバッグやキッチン用品、アパレル、ステッカーなどのグッズにぴったりです。フードアートを専門とする私、Yoko Baumが、すべてのデザインに独自のタッチを加えてお届けします。トートバッグの画像をご覧いただければ、この鮮やかなイラストがあなたの商品をどのように魅力的に演出するかをご理解いただけるでしょう。

#フードイラスト #フリーランスイラストレーター #YokoBaum #グッズアート #アイコンコレクション
#FoodIllustration #FreelanceIllustrator #YokoBaum #MerchandiseArt #IconCollection

Sakura Mart Japanese Grocery Illustrated Tote Bag, Merchandise Illustration by Yoko Baum .
Tea Towl Fabiric Japanese Food Pattern Illustration and Design by Yoko Baum
Ginger Root Illustration of Food Icon by Freelance Illustrator Yoko Baum
Leaves Vegetable Ingredients Illustration Icon by Freelance Illustrator Yoko Baum
Bowl of Rice and Chopsticks Illustration of Food Icon by Freelance Japanese Illustrator Yoko Baum
Shrimp Food Illustration Icon by Freelance Illustrator Yoko Baum
Japanese Food Icons Illustration Pattern for Branding, Packaging, and Advertising  by Yoko Baum
Lotus Root Vegetable Food Ingredients Illustration Icon by Freelance Illustrator by Yoko Baum
Dikon Radish Illustration of Food Icon by Freelance Illustrator Yoko Baum
Lotus Root, Leaves, and Shrimp Icon Collection- Unique Food Ingredient Illustrations by Yoko Baum
Bowl of Rice, Ginger, and Daikon Radish Icon Collection- Japanese Food Illustration by Yoko Baum

These illustrations were created using Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator and/or Procreate by Yoko Baum, utilizing raster brushes. No AI was involved in the creation of these artworks. Happy Human-Powered Creativity!

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