#foodillustration #greetingcard #christmascard #surfaceillustration #editorialillustration #Christmasillustration

I'm enjoying sun-filled summer now in July, also I'm thinking and missing a delicious Yule log cake with espresso, candy canes and my uncle Mark's special Christmas punch! Here are some Festive and fun Christmas themed images...

Many years ago, me and my son made peanut butter reindeer holiday cookies for a preschool Christmas party - they had pretzel antlers and red M&M’s noses, mini-chocolate chip eyes. Everyone loved those funny guys, they ranted and raved!

The cookie dough space for a warm Christmas message, or your favorite cookie recipe ?? It would be good for the content-based editorial page, or holiday greeting card.

And some greeting cards ideas...

Christmas for everyone!! Which boot is looks good to you or yours?

This one↓ is created with 5 colors, I'd love to draw with limited colors, too!

Thanks for visiting my blog, hope you like those images!
July, 11, 2023